Sunday 1 May 2011

May Day Chocolate

May Day, an annual celebration of work, labour, spring, the Beltane... and also a great time to start a blog.

I've worked many jobs, from field labourer to waitress to line work in factories and teaching various subjects. Now, I eat chocolate while exploring the self-employed life.

Instead of marching or gathering with others, I decided to take it easy today.   My bones are tired and weak from years of living pay cheque to pay cheque.  So, I'm eating Fair Trade Orange Milk Chocolate right now.  

Recently, pastry makers worked hard creating His and Her Wedding Cakes.  Nothing else matters about that extravagant union of two people I've never met.  Forget the wedding dress and the cousin's sculpture-hat--the cake is where it's at.  Yes, the thousands of workers that pulled off the event all deserve kudos for their concentrated effort, but the cake is the topic here.


Bride & Beyond
White fruit cake:  8 / 10 for sheer size - it loses 2 points for being fruit instead of chocolate.

Chocolate biscuit cake:  7.5 / 10 - a biscuit cake deserves to be displayed in a much more playful manner than stuffy squared layers.  Say something like this biscuit cake displayed at Bridal Musings.*  The author of that blog, Elizabeth, feels the same about the cake.

Orange Milk Chocolate:  10 / 10  - Okay, so I didn't get to taste any of the royal cakes, I based their scores solely on visual appeal--but I did get to devour this perfect chocolate.

*I don't read bridal mags/sites, I went there for the cake!


  1. hurray for the workers who pulled off that wedding, eh? and mmmmmm....fair trade chocolate. 10/10 indeed! congrats on the new blog! i look forward to following it!

  2. aye, margaret! could you imagine being one of those workers? i'd eat all the cake!
